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When I realized I was a caveman and had to protect my precious fire, I tried even harder, because fire is great for cavemen!

I think it's such a great concept!


even after 3 years the seeker is still seeking the flame 


Awesome concept and graphics. Had a lot of fun playing this!


Well done man, really good game. Think the difficulty was perfect, hard but very rewarding and the graphics are awesome!

Thanks for the feedback and for playing it.


Great atmosphere. Funny how footsteps in water with a little particle can do so much.  Nice work George - I'd love to see you continue to polish this up once you catch up on sleep. :)

Thanks Ben! Much appreciated. I’m not sure how to extend it, but I really like the prehistoric theme and would go for a serious tone to it all.


This is pretty fun! Quite challenging, too. Great job!!


I’m glad you liked it. Thanks for playing!


Really cool,  the sprites remind me of broforce characters haha.


nice caveman sprite

Thanks for playing and commenting! That little dude took me longer than I care to shape and animate. I picked 8x8 pixel sprites just due to them being faster to make than larger ones. Was happy with the style


Great short game! Lots of atmoshphere!

Thanks. It's amazing what a couple of well placed sound effects can do for mood and atmosphere.